Monday, July 14, 2008

Home Again

It's good to be back in the 'Ville. My youth and I had a great week at M-Fuge Camp in Philadelphia this past week, getting to share the gospel with those in great need and be further changed by it ourselves. Our Sola5 students were involved in ministry to inner-city kids, nursing home shut-ins, and some believers in rough places trying to be a light in their neighborhoods. From playing with kids at the nation's oldest Boys and Girls Club to doing renovation work for a local thrift store owner who cares for kids whose parents leave them to shoot up across the street, our team saw a great variety of ways to live out the gospel message while proclaiming it, a truly humbling experience. Our dependence on God was all the more focused as one of our students spent the week away from his grandmother who was in hospice care and not expected to survive the week. Our group was taught some powerful lessons about the importance of bearing one another's burdens and lifting up one another in prayer, and we saw God's amazing faithfulness as he sustained our student's grandmother (after her doctors said at midweek she had only hours left) until Saturday night so he was able to see her one last time. All in all, God blessed us tremendously in both joy and sorrow and did some amazing things in, among, and through our students. Pray that God would continue to be gracious to us as we seek to bring our calling home to Louisville and spread the gospel through our own community.

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